An Introduction to Neuroscience

In this updated edition of An Introduction to Neuroscience, Mireya Frausto features a solid guide to understanding the origin, foundations and practice of neuropsychology. The author provides the basis for understanding the processes involved in brain activity and its self-regulation, as well as what happens when a failure occurs, and how neuroplasticity acts to correct it.

This work, which is a part of the Basics of Neuropsychology collection, has become an essential reading for both professionals and students from the different branches of the health sciences, as well as for all those interested in the subject.

Sobre Mireya Frausto Rojas (Escritor)

  • Mireya Frausto Rojas
    Mireya Frausto estudió Psicología clínica en la Universidad del Valle de México (UVM), cuenta con diversos posgrados en especializaciones profesionales como Psicodiagnóstico de trastornos mentales y evaluación psicométrica, Educación especial y autismo, Habilidades docentes, Viol... Ver más sobre el autor

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