Buddhist Mind

How to Live Simply

In his new book, Buddhist Mind, Kalama Sadak takes a fascinating journey through different aspects of Buddhism as a religion, as a life philosophy, and as a psychological practice; its pages contain the fundamental principles, explain how it was birthed historically, and they also present meditation as a means for achieving mental stability. The Buddhist author of the Budadarma and six additional books, conveys with extraordinary clarity how, with the help of this perspective, we can eliminate fear, anxiety, and suffering, as well as cultivate the highest level of peace of mind, satisfaction, and happiness.  

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Sobre Kalama Sadak (Escritor)

  • Kalama Sadak
    Kalama Sadak es el nombre budista que Jorge García Montaño recibió de su maestro. Estudió licenciatura en Sociología y la maestría en Economía, ambas en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Cursó el doctorado en Ciencias de la Población en el Colegio de México. Desd... Ver más sobre el autor

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