Gestalt in Small Words

Theoretical Contributions for Therapeutic

In Gestalt in Small Words, Francisco Fernández Romero takes up themes derived from Gestalt theory, reflects on the practice of daily work with patients and shares with readers the result of this process: his own small words –as he calls them– which are contributions from his particular way of understanding and experiencing this diverse and changing psychological approach.

In this work, the author brings together several masterfully written pieces on the Gestalt word, the possibilities of silence, the uncertainty of the therapeutic process, the irruption of otherness, the aesthetic gaze and the Gestalt approach applied to education; all of them, topics of interest to students and therapists alike, who are looking for a fresh and lively contribution to enrich their work in the psychologist’s surgery.

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Sobre Francisco Fernández Romero (Escritor)

  • Francisco Fernández Romero
    Francisco Fernández Romero es educador, sexólogo y psicoterapeuta, centrado en temas de educación humanista, trabajo vivencial con grupos, sexualidad, alteridad, literatura, psicoterapia y las experiencias estéticas como recurso terapéutico. Estudió Pedagogía en la Universidad Pa... Ver más sobre el autor

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