Gestalt Psychotherapy with Female Victims of Violence

Violence against girls and women is one of the most widespread, persistent, devastating human rights violations today. This book describes in detail group therapeutic processes with survivors and shows how they have empowered themselves to deal with their depression, rebuild their self-esteem, and discover the resources they had in order to carry on. This text proves how solidarity and empathy amongst women can turn even the most unfortunate context into an opportunity.

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Sobre Hugo Almada Mireles (Escritor)

  • Hugo Almada Mireles
    Hugo Almada Mireles es doctor en Psicoterapia Humanista y profesor investigador en la Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez (UACJ). Autor de Teoría y método en Terapia Gestalt (2017), obra en la que expone con claridad los conceptos gestálticos fundamentales, como interacción org... Ver más sobre el autor

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