Leave Me Alone!

A guide to promote effective peace in schools

Trixia Valle, an expert and a pioneer in addressing the issue of bullying, has worked for more than a decade to lay the foundations of an anti-bullying formula she explains in this new book: 

transformative language + true inclusion + positive tolerance = effective peace. 

This is a mixture that balances three essential ingredients to eradicate violence from our society.

In this book, Trixia invites us apply the formula in the classroom, at home, at work, and in any virtual or physical community, in order to turn the most hostile environment into a haven of effective peace.

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Sobre Trixia Valle (Escritor)

  • Trixia Valle
    Trixia Valle es comunicóloga con maestría en Educación para la Paz, así como conferencista y escritora, con más de 15 libros publicados desde 2002. Es pionera en temas antibullying, ya que escribió el primer libro sobre el tema en México. Cuenta con más de una década de experienc... Ver más sobre el autor

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