Overcoming Grief After Suicide

The experiences of those left behind

In Overcoming Grief After Suicide, Jessica Wolf offers answers and support to all those who have lost a loved one by suicide. The author intertwines stories about people who have undergone this difficult trauma, while offering clear explanations for understanding what happened, and emotional tools for processing grief. To all those who are left behind, this book provides support for healing, finding peace, and making sense of existence despite the absence.

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Sobre Jessica Wolf (Escritor)

  • Jessica Wolf
    Psicóloga y maestra en Terapia familiar. Es docente en licenciatura y maestría en la Universidad Iberoamericana, su alma mater. Dedica la mayor parte de su tiempo a la prevención del suicidio, por lo que forma parte de la Asociación Mexicana de Suicidología (AMS) y de la Asociaci... Ver más sobre el autor

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