Path between Love and Death

Chronicles of a pandemic

The rise of overpopulated cities and their waste, the clearing of forests and jungles, the encroachment of oceans, and global warming have brought about permanent changes that created the ideal conditions for the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

We are facing an immunological phenomenon that does not respect borders and dislocates the daily lives of the planet's inhabitants, as well as turning upside down those on the front line of the fight against the virus - physicians and all health personnel.

This book is a mixture of reflections, discoveries, recommendations, and fantasies that have arisen as a result of this shocking event.

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Sobre Alberto Palacios Boix (Escritor)

  • Alberto Palacios Boix
    El doctor Alberto Palacios Boix es experto en el tratamiento de la artritis reumatoide y cuenta con más de 30 años de experiencia siendo un destacado reumatólogo en diversas instituciones de prestigio como el Hospital Ángeles Pedregal. Se formó como médico cirujano en la Universi... Ver más sobre el autor

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