The Language of Psychotherapist

Communication strategies for clinical practice

In The Language of Psychotherapists, Jesús Miguel Martínez MD, delves into what happens between therapists and clients, focusing on communication exchanges and what they provoke. Confrontation, suggestion, recommendations, interpretations, recapitulation, and synthesis are some of the resources described in depth in this work. It also includes an analysis of linguistic acts in clinical work, from communicative-generative grammar to the systemic approach to Milton Erickson's proposal to the constructivist communication model to Gestalt Psychology to neuroscience.

This unique work will be a reference for psychologists, therapists, and all people interested in understanding the power of language in the construction and transformation of psychological reality.

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Sobre Jesús Miguel Martínez (Escritor)

  • Jesús Miguel Martínez
    Médico psiquiatra, psicoterapeuta y escritor. Nacido en Venezuela, se formó como médico y se especializó en Psiquiatría en las aulas de la Universidad Central de Venezuela, donde posteriormente fue profesor del posgrado de Psiquiatría en el Centro de Salud Mental del Este.Estudió... Ver más sobre el autor

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