18 Resultados de la búsqueda para "rosa barocio"

  • Discipline With love

    Discipline With love [Libro]

    Rosa Barocio

    In Discipline with Love, Rosa Barocio offers, with practical advice, sensitivity and a great sense of humour, a clear guide to the tough but exciting task of educating with conscience. This best seller’s author explains, illustrates and exemplifies the key to being a better parent or teacher: encour......

  • Discipline Your Temperament With Love

    Discipline Your Temperament With Love [Libro]

    Rosa Barocio

    Rosa Barocio affirms in Discipline your Temperament with Love that the key to improving our relationships is to acknowledge our response to the world and to understand others’ as well. Filled with anecdotes and a great sense of humor, this book will help you acknowledge the features of your temperam......

  • Discipline with Love for Grandparents

    Discipline with Love for Grandparents [Libro]

    Rosa Barocio

    In Discipline with Love for Grandparents: A Second Chance to Love, Rosa Barocio invites us, with great sense of humour and many stories, to reflect on, question, and discard old patterns that damage the relationship between parents and grandparents. It also helps us understand how to strengthen this......

  • Discipline with Love in the Classroom

    Discipline with Love in the Classroom [Libro]

    Rosa Barocio

    In Discipline with Love in the Classroom, Rosa Barocio provides tools for teachers to set boundaries without harm, to educate with empathy and respect, and to inspire students through their example, all through practical advice and with a great sense of humor. The author supports educators with prec......

  • Homenaje a Rosa Barocio

    Homenaje a Rosa Barocio [Noticia]


    Platicas alrededor de la FIL. ...

  • Disciplina con amor tus emociones

    Disciplina con amor tus emociones [Libro]

    Rosa Barocio

    Todos caminamos por la vida cargando una mochila con todo tipo de creencias, actitudes, valores, emociones reprimidas, entre muchas cosas más. Algunas de ellas son ligeras y nos alientan para seguir adelante, mientras que otras nos pesan e impiden avanzar. Con el paso del tiempo y cansados de esta d......

  • Discipline With Love Your Emotions

    Discipline With Love Your Emotions [Libro]

    Rosa Barocio

    We all walk through life carrying a backpack with all sorts of beliefs, attitudes, values, repressed emotions, amongst many other things. Some of these are light and encourage us to move forward, while others weigh us down and prevent our progress. As time goes by and we get tired of this dynamics, ......

  • Charla Disciplina con amor

    Charla Disciplina con amor [Evento]


    Te invitamos a la charla Disciplina con amor. Un homenaje al legado de Rosa Barocio. Con la participación de Nora Hidalgo....